Christine also raises Pugs. Meet rufus, a real trouble maker, or so I'm told.

Another shot of Chloe and Jasmine....Spike comes from a fun loving family!

The schnauzer on the right is Spikes mom Jasmine and on the left is his sister Chloe. Jasmine was very interested in Spike as I'm sure she knew who he was.

This is a shot of the whelping area complete with German stainless steel cages, a full kitchen, central air and a fireplace. Wow, nice digs.

Last weekend Rob Greenfield accused me of having no life beyond my dog and my truck. What a load of hooey....aaaaand just to prove him wrong, I hopped into my beautiful truck, grabbed my fabulous dog and we drove to the kennel where Spike was born. Meet Chris Schneider. She owns the kennel and is a wonderful woman. Loves her dogs!! I would like to remind Rob that I also have my guitars, camera, sound stage, shop, gardens and scotch....what the hell else would a guy need!!!
If I said that, well ... hmmm ... I don't remember ....
It was more of an aside rather than an affront. Nothing wrong with dogs or trucks!
Absolutely, got 'em too!
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