Tuesday morning at approximately 8:30 am, after years of abuse to my poor body, and I'm talking biblical proportions here, I finally achieved what everyone said I would and had what they refer to as a major heart attack.
It's no big deal really, after staggering about the house trying to relieve this unbelievable pain in my chest for about 15 minutes I got my shit together and googled "heart attack". Of course, there they were , all the symptoms, besides the pain in the chest, there was profuse sweating, headache, nausea etc. So, I dialed 911 and I was literally "on the table" in 20 minutes. The nurses kept saying that I had saved my own life by that little act of google. Anyway, they put in a stent and I was off the slab by 10am. I will, upon request, provide the requester with some pictures I took of my bruises that occurred when they went in through my groin area with both a camera and an angioplasty thingy. It is very graphic!!
If you smoke, you will have a heart attack, guaranteed. The only exception to this rule is if the cancer kills you first. Don't Smoke!!!
Finally, I feel I must say something about the state of health care in Canada. If you are some whiny snowboarder with a broken wrist and you are in deep shit because you lied to you're boss
in order to break that wrist or even some has been guitar player who got bit by the stupid chop saw, I'd say you deserve to sit in triage all day. If, however, you are in real trouble, they treat you will great skill and speed. We have one of the best systems in the world.
Google "heart attack" you will be glad you did!!!
Glad you are still with us Dave!
I always did believe our health care systemwas first rate. You are absolutely right about the whiners!!!
Holy Shit FKIA!!!...man-o-man, I'm glad to hear you fought your way through another episode!
Stick around brother cause none of us is leaving yet!
Mr. P
Thank goodness for Google!
I'm just happy that the only thing I need to pray for today is your soul (ie. you body is now slightly improved). I go to hear Jean sing, the prayers....well...I'm sure You will get the irony.
I have been out of the loop and just found this. Holy crap. I am happy to hear you're recovering and that you got the help you needed fast!
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