Sunday, March 22, 2009

As vanity publishing is currently in vogue, I felt it was time to share some of the more outrageously terrible decisions that I have made in my all too short life. If $400 seems like a lot of money for a book chock full of bad's because you are a cheapskate, plus, it's most likely another bad idea!!


Anonymous said...

Sign me up.

Rob Greenfield said...

Must have been a really bad idea - no one has commented on it.

mr fkia said...

Well, I though it was funny as hell!

northerndreamer said...


I've also been persuaded to write a book. Mine's called "The Ten Things I Learned at Wife School". Apparently, a huge segment of the male population has never attended.

Rob Greenfield said...

C'mon, Dave. Gotta use a better title, even though the sentiment is there.

mr fkia said...

See, that's how perfect the title is....even it is a bad idea!!

I hope wife school comes with some kind of textbook....because I don't understand women at all!!!

Rob Greenfield said...

Yeah, but it's Doc's idea.

mr fkia said...

What the hell does that mean...I just want the textbook!!

Rob Greenfield said...

Tell you what ... you buy my book and I'll arrange a deal between you and Doc Bain to get his.

mr fkia said...

How many did you print?

Anonymous said...

I'll take two.
I think it's an interesting concept to have people publish their own book of Bad Ideas. You then buy each other's book and read through to review and find out how bad your's are compared to someone elses - maybe your/theirs aren't so bad afterall.
Whatdya think?

mr fkia said...

I think it's a bad idea!!